USA stemmer for fortsat folkemord i FN

USA nedlagde tirsdag veto i FN's Sikkerhedsråd mod våbenhvile i Gaza. 13 lande støttede Algeriets resolution, terrorstaten Storbritannien undlod at stemme, mens terrorstaten USA stemte for fortsat folkemord. Sikkerhedsrådet skulle have effektueret ICJ's midlertidige kendelse af 26. januar, så USA gav samtidig ICJ fingeren. Sagen går om nogle uger videre til Generalforsamlingen, der med overvældende flertal vil støtte våbenhvile.

Algeriets FN ambassadør Amar Bendjama anbefalede resolutionen med disse ord:

  • “Silence, we contend, is not a viable option. … Members of the Security Council have the responsibility of voting in favour of measures that uphold international peace and security.”
  • “A vote in favour of this draft resolution is a support to the Palestinians’ right to life. Conversely, voting against it implies an endorsement of the brutal violence and collective punishment. inflicted upon them.”
  • Rejecting the proposal constitutes an “approval of starvation as a means of war against hundreds of thousands of Palestinians”.
  • “We should ask ourselves: How many innocent lives must be sacrificed before the council deems it necessary to call for a ceasefire?”
  • “Palestinian lives matter. Each one of us decides where to stand in this tragic chapter of history.”

Israels, USA's og EU's folkemord i Palæstina går videre, mens resten af verden fordømmer det.