FN: Vesten har ladt den internationale retsorden i stikken

FN's Sikkerhedsråd holdt torsdag møde på baggrund af den humanitære katastrofe terrorstaten har skabt i Gaza, og hvor FN nu har måttet opgive sit humanitære arbejde, efter utallige angreb fra den israelske ZOF terrororganisations side. På mødet fortalte Joyce Msuya der er FN's fungerende vice-generalsekretær for humanitære anliggender følgende:

“We cannot plan more than 24 hours in advance because we struggle to know what supplies we will have, when we will have them or where we will be able to deliver”. 

“Civilians are hungry. They are thirsty. They are sick. They are homeless. They have been pushed beyond … what any human being should bear”.

“More than 88 percent of Gaza’s territory has come under an [Israeli] order to evacuate at some point. Civilians, in a state of limbo, are being forced into an area equivalent to just 11 percent of the Gaza Strip".

“What we have witnessed over the past 11 months … calls into question the world’s commitment to the international legal order that was designed to prevent these tragedies”.

“It forces us to ask: What has become of our basic sense of humanity?”