Israelske krigsveteraner fordømmer den zionistiske terrorstat

Organisation af israelske krigsveteraner, Breaking the Silence offentliggjorde fredag en sønderlemmende fordømmelse af den zionistiske terrorstat efter ICJ's kendelse. Den skriver på Twitter:

The occupation has been declared illegal, but it was always immoral. Those politicians who just yesterday called for “annexation” and now suddenly shout ”antisemitism” are just hiding the fact that it’s always been a regime of oppression and discrimination on a massive scale.

Den fortsætter:

We would know. We were amongst those sent to maintain a military dictatorship over millions. We were the ones sent to uphold apartheid in the West Bank and a suffocating siege on Gaza, while the establishment claimed ‘we left Gaza’. We guarded settlements and outposts while also demolishing houses in the nearby Palestinian villages. The occupation must end. Not because of the ICJ. Because decades of tyranny are a moral disgrace which corrupts and distorts us all. Because ultimately, the occupation takes the lives of so many innocent souls.