ICJ. Resten af verden mod USA og Israel: STOP BESÆTTELSEN AF PALÆSTINA

På tredjedagen af ICJ's behandling af FN's sag mod Israel for den illegale besættelse af Palæstina vidnede yderlige 10 lande i dag. De eneste der støttede terrorstaten var Ungarn og USA. De 2 højreradikale regimer lagde sig op af Israels position, at ICJ skulle blande sig udenom: "Det er ikke en juridisk sag, men en politisk". USA fabulerede om forhandlinger. 76 års "forsøg på en politisk løsning" bringer hver dag verden længere bort fra en løsning og kulminerer nu med folkemordet i Gaza. Derudover har Israel klart sagt: der bliver ingen palæstinensisk stat og ingen forhandlinger. Dette er selve hovedårsagen til, at den illegale zionistiske entitet Israel må opløses og i dens sted en palæstinensisk stat oprettes.


  • The conduct of an occupation is governed by international humanitarian law while the legality of the occupation is determined by UN Charter and general international law. The argument advanced by the US that the occupation is governed solely by international humanitarian law leaves no room for the application of the Charter, especially article 2(4) by which the acquisition of territory by force is prohibited.
  • Occupation is “inherently and exclusively a temporary state of affairs”. An occupying power does not acquire “one atom” of the occupied territory and cannot make permanent changes. “Permanent occupation is military conquest, it is annexation, and annexation is of course strictly forbidden under international law,” he said.
  • It is indisputable that Israel’s occupation is unlawful as a whole. Israel has annexed almost all Palestinian territories and has extended the application of its laws to that territory. It is irrefutable that Israel intends its occupation to be permanent.
  • There have been unequivocal declarations on the annexation of East Jerusalem, as well as deliberate demographic manipulation that profoundly changed the character of the Holy City.
  • “Israel’s occupation must end, immediately, comprehensively, irreversibly,” Craven said.


  • The international system is based on certain fundamental principles of law … The international community collectively over many years has found Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories to be illegal … and collectively we have invoked Israel’s responsibility in that regard to end the occupation.
  • Israel’s occupation violates the rights to Palestinian peoples’ self-determination and is therefore illegal.
  • There is no end in sight to Israel’s occupation, already extending more than 56 years.
  • Israel’s current leaders boast with pride of the country’s long-standing efforts to prevent the creation of an independent Palestinian state.


  • France reiterates its condemnation of illegal settlement policy by Israel, particularly in the current context. Its policy includes eviction of Palestinian families and destruction of properties.
  • The war in Gaza in no way constitutes a pretext to continue to impose on the ground unilateral measures that undermine the prospects for a two-state solution, the only one that can guarantee the just and lasting peace.
  • France reiterates its condemnation of pronouncement of promoting the reinstallation of settlements in Gaza and the transfer of the Palestinian population of Gaza outside this territory.
  • The international system is based on certain fundamental principles of law … The international community collectively over many years has found Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories to be illegal … and collectively we have invoked Israel’s responsibility in that regard to end the occupation.
  • Israel’s occupation violates the rights to Palestinian peoples’ self-determination and is therefore illegal.
  • There is no end in sight to Israel’s occupation, already extending more than 56 years.
  • Israel’s current leaders boast with pride of the country’s long-standing efforts to prevent the creation of an independent Palestinian state.


  • Images from Gaza are terrifying. Indiscriminate air strikes are killing civilians and erasing whole residential districts … Up to 90 percent of Gazans have been forced to leave their homes and they are living in inhumane conditions. Against the backdrop of tough Israeli blockade the Gaza Strip is experiencing a genuine humanitarian catastrophe.
  • Russia of all countries understands the danger of terrorism. We have faced this evil time and again. Let me use this opportunity to reiterate our heartfelt condolences to the Israelis who lost their loved ones in the attack on the 7th of October. Brutal massacre of innocent people, taking of hostages and other terrorist violence do not have and cannot have any justification.
  • We are convinced the tragic events of the 7th of October cannot justify the collective punishment of more than two million Gazans. We cannot accept the logic of those officials in Israel and some Western countries who try to defend the indiscriminate violence against civilians by referring to Israel’s duty to protect its nationals. Violence can only lead to more violence. Hatred brings hatred. This vicious circle must be broken.
  • A negotiated two-state solution with an independent and viable Palestinian state peacefully coexisting with Israel will be the best recipe for bringing an end to Israel’s violations, creating guarantees of their non-repetition and redressing the damage.
  • The Russian Federation invites the Court to be guided by the need to contribute to creating conditions for successful final status negotiations. The best contribution would be confirmation by the court that Israel and Palestine are under an obligation to resume such negotiations while all states and organisations shall cooperate in order to make that possible.
  • The continued Israeli occupation of Palestine impedes the realisation of the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination. Israeli settlements are contrary to the principle of the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by force.


  • Israel must end its siege of Gaza, let aid in and stop the forcible transfer of the Palestinian population. “In practical terms, it must mean a ceasefire,” she said.
  • Israel must dismantle settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories and prevent acts of violence perpetrated by settlers.
  • States must cooperate to bring Israel’s breaches to an end.
  • “Israel’s administration of East Jerusalem constitutes annexation of territory on which the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination. International law is unequivocal in this respect. All measures by Israel that affect or aim to alter the status of East Jerusalem are null and void and have no legal effect.”
  • “Israelis and Palestinians must thrive side by side in their own independent, prosperous and secure states,” she said.


  • The occupation of the Palestinian territory is a violation of international law and is contrary to the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations
  • Highlights the need to redouble efforts to encourage a negotiated solution on the basis of international law, and with the purpose of the establishment of a fully viable Palestinian state, existing side by side with Israel and its neighbours, fostering peace and security in the region
  • UN’s top court should not underestimate the fact that the situation in Gaza has become more deadly over the past months and, therefore, the legal consequences of such actions must be even more serious today than in the world we were living before this bloodshed started
  • UN’s top court “should not underestimate the fact that the situation in Gaza has become more deadly over the past months and, therefore, the legal consequences of such actions must be even more serious today than in the world we were living before this bloodshed started
  • The real and imminent risk of irreparable prejudice to the rights of Palestinians as a consequence of Israel’s occupation – as has been fully documented by international agencies, United Nations organs, and even recently recognised by the court itself


  • We and you bear the moral responsibility to pronounce ourselves in a clear and transparent way on the ignominious situation of the Palestinian people
  • Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is an “international wrongful act”. The aggravation of which reiterates the responsibility of the occupying power and the international community
  • It was agreed by Resolution 242 that Israel’s armed force would withdraw from the territories of 1967, but this was not so. The Palestinian people have the inalienable right to determine their own political, economic and social destiny
  • Some nations “act with complicity” to aid Israel in its “impunity” rather than prevent the ongoing “genocide” against the Palestinian people.
  • Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank are changing the demographic composition of the Palestinian territories and undermine and deny the ability of Palestinians to exercise their right to self-determination
  • The Oslo Accords state no party shall take any steps that could modify the status of Gaza or the West Bank, but the destruction and the appropriation of property unlawfully and arbitrarily constitutes a breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention
  • Israel’s war on Gaza “is perpetrated with systematic and effective cruelty
  • To qualify Israel’s actions merely as acts of apartheid would leave out the implicit intention to exterminate the Palestinian people, either in part or as an ethnic and religious group to whom the right to self-determination is denied
  • The situation that is taking place in the eyes of all confirms the ongoing genocide. Innocent victims – girls, boys, women – number in the thousands
  • Those for years who have supported each and every one of the policies and practices of Israel, which denied the existence of the Palestinian people and their rights, this agenda has advanced over the course of time
  • We are convinced this court should not wait for the complete extermination of an entire nation before ruling on the matter


  • It is shocking that some states do not want the court to render its legal opinion. What message does this send on their respect for international justice and the rule of law?
  • The court has jurisdiction on the matter. Rather than prejudicing the peace process, it would serve as an additional, essential element for the UN General Assembly to carry out its role. This is critical given the complete absence of any real prospect for a peaceful solution
  • The Middle East “yearns for peace and stability” and a “comprehensive and lasting resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
  • There is overwhelming evidence that Israeli support for and maintenance of settlements is intended to permanently alter the demographic composition of the occupied Palestinian territory and extend Israeli sovereignty over it. This is coupled with Israel’s mass forcible transfer and forced displacement of the Palestinians in Gaza through its illegal evacuation orders and indiscriminate use of force
  • The right to self-determination is a cardinal principle in international law and all states have a duty in respecting and protecting this right. The indefinite occupation breaches the Palestinians’ right to determine their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development
  • Egypt firmly denounces the ongoing obstruction of the Palestinian people’s inalienable, permanent and unqualified right to self-determination
  • One only needs to look at Israel’s vicious wholesale destruction of Gaza today after years of imposing the medieval methods, a siege and blockade, to realise the extent of Israel’s transgression of this principle. Israel’s prolonged occupation is therefore illegal
  • For how much longer do the Palestinian people need to wait before they’re able to exercise their legitimate rights under international law? For how much longer will the United Nations manage the impacts of Israeli violations without addressing their root cause?
  • History will judge us for how we respond today
  • Israel, as the occupying power, is obliged to make reparations and end immediately its occupation and unlawful practices including settlements
  • There can be no prosperity, no security, no stability, no peace in the Middle East without upholding justice and the rule of law