FN: Fordømmer Israels bombning af UNRWA skoler

17 gange siden 7/10 har terrorstaten direkte angrebet de skoler, UNRWA driver i Gaza. Angrebet på Al Fakhoura natten til lørdag var det mest dødelige med over 200 dræbte. UNRWA's chef, Philippe Lazzarini udtalte i New York: "Angrebene er hårrejsende overtrædelser af krigens og viser (Israels) totale mangel på menneskelighed".

Most of the facilities hit had families in them – including older people, parents, and children. They were all clearly marked as UN buildings carrying a blue flag. UNRWA shares the coordinates of these buildings on a regular basis with parties to the conflict.

Once again, shelters meant to provide safety and protection to civilians have been hit, killing many people, including children. These acts not only blatantly contravene the rules of war, they also show a total disregard for humanity.