Tyrkiet: Israel er den største trussel mod verdensfreden
Den tyrkiske præsident Erdogan sagde lørdag, at terrorstaten er den største trussel mod verdensfreden. Han slog samtidig fast, at de der støtter terrorstaten (=Vesten) vil være brændemærket i generationer for deres deltagelse i folkemordet i Gaza:
- Those who stand with “Zionist terrorist organisation called Israel will carry marks of this shame (genocide in Gaza) for generations”.
- Israel is “the most direct threat to regional and global peace, those tasked with safeguarding world peace must put an end to this threat”.
- Israel is “not only targeting stability of Palestine and Lebanon, but also seeking to spread unrest to surrounding region”.
- It is essential for Russia, Iran and Syria to take more effective measures if Israel attacks Damascus.
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